Development of the Plan
Loudoun County Public Schools Delivers New Strategic Plan
Dear Loudoun County Community,
Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) is proud to deliver this new Strategic Plan as a foundational tool that will provide high-level direction for our school division over the next five years.
Our plan aims to:
Articulate a shared set of core beliefs;
Establish common goals;
Prioritize and align our work; and
Hold ourselves accountable to all LCPS students.
Students are at the center of our work, now more than ever – above all else, we seek to ensure that every LCPS student is prepared to achieve their dreams and empowered to make meaningful contributions to the world. We are committed to building on the rich history and long-standing successes in our schools and are excited to see this document come to life with your help over the coming weeks, months, and years for the benefit of all students across the division.
This Strategic Plan will be a living document – we will revisit its contents to adjust, as needed; whether in accordance with changes in state policy or evolving local priorities. We will do everything we can to make sure our work continues to reflect the diverse needs of our students, families, and community.
We believe that together, as One LCPS, our families, staff, division, and community can ensure that all students are able to pursue and achieve their full potential. It is with this mindset that we share our new Strategic Plan: accountable to our families and community, proud of our staff and schools’ commitment to excellence and equitable opportunity for all, and excited for the limitless potential of our students.
Read One LCPS: 2027 Strategic Plan for Excellence or read the One LCPS Overview.
Yours in Service,
Jeff Morse, Board Chair
Ian Serotkin, Board Vice Chair
Dr. Scott A. Ziegler, Superintendent

LCPS to Host Strategic Planning Town Halls
To help shape the direction of the next strategic plan for Loudoun County Public Schools, LCPS will host a series of Community Town Hall sessions at four locations across the county on the evenings of Monday, April 18, and Tuesday, April 19. An additional town hall will be held on Thursday, April 21. All members of the LCPS community are welcome; interested families and staff are especially encouraged to attend. Please note that each session will be designed to present and discuss the same content, so interested parties should plan accordingly in selecting only the most convenient option to attend.
On Monday, April 18: two, simultaneous sessions will be conducted in different parts of the county. The first will be held in the auditorium of Tuscarora High School, and the second will be held in the main gym of Briar Woods High School. Both sessions are scheduled to run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
On Tuesday, April 19: another two, simultaneous sessions will be conducted in different parts of the county. The first will be held in the auditorium of Dominion High School, and the second will be held in the auditorium of Stone Bridge High School. Both sessions are scheduled to run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
A Spanish language interpreter will be available at the session held at Dominion High School.
On Thursday, April 21: one town hall will be conducted from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the LCPS Administration Building.
These Community Town Hall meetings will be facilitated by RTI International, an external firm leading strategic planning on behalf of the division. Loudoun County School Board members will also be in attendance. These sessions are designed to create a space for community members to think about and articulate their vision for all students in LCPS moving forward. Participating community members will have an opportunity to offer input and provide feedback on the most important actions they’d like to see the division take over the next five years, as well as programs and practices that they hope will be added, discontinued, or otherwise considered.
Those who need translation/interpretation assistance or a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability in order to be able to participate meaningfully in these Town Hall meetings should contact the Deputy Superintendent's Office at 571-252-1300 no later than Wednesday, April 13, at 5 p.m.

3 Strategic Plan Input Sessions Remain
Hundreds of sticky notes decorated the walls of Tuscarora High School’s auditorium on Monday, April 18, as it hosted one of two Loudoun County Public Schools’ Strategic Planning Town Halls.
Thirty-eight stakeholders attended the meeting at Tuscarora, while 14 attended a similar session at Briar Woods High School. The sessions are designed to engage the public to provide written and verbal feedback, as well as small-group discussions, concerning issues affecting LCPS students. All of the feedback will be incorporated into a new LCPS strategic plan, which is scheduled to be adopted by the School Board on June 28.
Tonight, Tuesday, April 19, the public is invited to attend sessions in the auditoriums of both Dominion and Stone Bridge high schools from 7 to 9 p.m. A Spanish interpreter will be available at the Dominion High School session.
On Thursday, April 21, a session will be conducted for the public to attend in the LCPS Administrative Offices, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, from 1 to 3 p.m.
Review the progress to date on Strategic Planning here.
These meetings will be facilitated by RTI International with support from LCPS staff and School Board members. Tuscarora’s session was attended by School Board members John Beatty (Catoctin District) and Tom Marshall (Leesburg District), as well as LCPS Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ashley Ellis. School Board Chair Jeff Morse (Dulles District) attended the Briar Woods event.
Mike Martin of RTI, who facilitated Tuesday’s session at Tuscarora, said the strategic planning process is designed to make sure only those issues that are most important to stakeholders make it into the final plan. “If you have 70 priorities, you don’t have any priorities.”
The information gathered at this week’s sessions will augment the 13,125 poll results, including 4,287 personal responses, collected by RTI.

Reminder: LCPS to Host Strategic Planning Town Halls
To help shape the direction of the next strategic plan for Loudoun County Public Schools, LCPS will host a series of Community Town Hall sessions at four locations across the county on the evenings of Monday, April 18, and Tuesday, April 19. An additional town hall will be held on Thursday, April 21, at the LCPS Administrative Building.
On Monday, April 18, sessions will be conducted in the auditorium of Tuscarora High School and the main gym of Briar Woods High School from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
On Tuesday, April 19, sessions will be conducted in the auditoriums of both Dominion High School and Stone Bridge High School from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A Spanish language interpreter will be available at the session held at Dominion High School.
On Thursday, April 21, the session will be conducted in the LCPS Administrative Building from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
These meetings will be facilitated by our partners at RTI International, with support from LCPS staff and Board members. These sessions are designed to create a space for community members to think about and articulate their vision for all students in LCPS moving forward. Participating community members will have an opportunity to weigh in on the most important actions you’d like to see the division take over the next five years, as well as programs and practices that you hope will be started and/or stopped.
All members of the LCPS community are welcome; interested families and staff are especially encouraged to attend.
Review the progress to date on Strategic Planning here.
Those who need translation/interpretation assistance or a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability in order to be able to participate meaningfully in the Town Hall April 21, should contact the Deputy Superintendent's Office at 571-252-1300 by 5 p.m. Monday, April 18. ADA accommodation requests for the town halls April 18 and 19, were submitted last week. The speaking time will be doubled for speakers requiring translation/interpretation assistance when requested.