Policies and Regulations

LCPS policies are reviewed every five years per the Code of Virginia ยง 22.1-253.13:7. During this process, we will be asking for input from several of our advisory committees, stakeholder groups and the community at large. If you desire to provide feedback on any of our policies that are currently under review, please click on the below-listed policy link for access to the Feedback Form(s). The Feedback Form is to provide feedback only and does not represent a guarantee that feedback will be included in the final policy. All feedback will be reviewed by the School Board Committee as they develop policies for submission to the entire School Board. The authority for final approval of any policy lies solely with the Loudoun County School Board. 

The policies under review are included below along with the associated deadline for review. The dates for School Board Committee reviews will be included in BoardDocs. Thank you for providing your feedback during this review process. If you have any problems accessing the form, please contact the Chief of Staff. To learn more about the review process, please refer to this quick LCPS Policy Review Process guide.

Policy/Document for Review

Deadline for Submission

School Board Committee to Review