Discover LCPS
School Board
Member FAQ:
Why are MSAAC members necessary and important?
Dissemination: To carry out the mission of MSAAC, we need members to share information. Sharing information helps increase community awareness and knowledge of initiatives and programs within LCPS in support of positive student experiences.
Openness: Members are encouraged to be open and honest about their observations, needs and ideas so collectively we can positively affect student abilities to learn and excel in a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Representation: Members include parents, teachers, administrators and even students. Members are essential to our meetings because they provide valuable insights into the experiences, needs and priorities of our student community.
Solutions: Effective conversations and problem solving discussions must include everyone responsible for the care and education of the student.
How can I get more information about upcoming MSAAC meetings (time, location, speakers)?
How can I find out what was discussed and shared at past MSAAC meetings?
MSAAC meeting minutes.
Who should I contact if I have a question, concern or an issue that I don’t feel comfortable sharing at an MSAAC general membership meeting?
General questions or concerns should be directed to the MSAAC Chair.
Delegate/Alternate related questions and concerns should be directed to the Membership Committee Chair.
MSAAC webpage related questions and concerns should be directed to the Communications Chair.
MSAAC social media questions and concerns should be directed to the Communications Chair.
Why does MSAAC need delegates and alternates from each school?
MSAAC depends on delegates and alternates for the following:
Dissemination: To carry out the mission of MSAAC beyond the general body meetings and to broadcast the information discussed during those meetings with broader LCPS community.
Responsiveness: Delegates are in the schools and as a result they are key in representing, sharing and advocating for any special issues or concerns that may exist in your school community. Delegates work with the school to address concern that affect student abilities to learn in a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Decisions: MSAAC delegates/alternates are voting members. As a subcommittee of the LCPS school board, MSAAC serves in an advisory capacity to the school board, providing commentary on specific issues such as hiring, discipline and achievement outcomes.