We are a community service organization that requires an application for membership.
To apply you need a minimum cumulative SPA of 3.5
What we do:
Trunk or Treat
Adopt families for Christmas
Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army
Support Loudoun Abused Women's Shelter
Conduct an annual Color Run
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Mr. Chuba
Candidate Application Packet
Candidates should complete this packet and then save it as either a Word or PDF file. Email the application to Mr. Chuba as an attachment. All applications will be saved in a file by Mr. Chuba so the Selection Committee can review them.
Nhs Tutoring Program
NHS tutors can be requested by students, either in person or by sending an e-mail to Mr. Chuba. Tutors can also be requested by parents, counselors, and teachers for their students. Our tutoring program is NOT meant to be a long-term solution because our tutors are only required to volunteer for approximately 10 hours. If a long-term tutoring solution is needed, then please seek out a paid tutor.
Tutoring And Service Hours Log Forms
Record all of your tutoring and community service hours on the form used by Mr. West for the Community Service letter.
Mr. Chuba
Mr. Chuba graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy with a B.S. in Science in 1978. After spending five years in the field, the Coast Guard sent him to the University of Connecticut to obtain an M.S. in Chemistry. Afterwards, Mr. Chuba spent five years teaching chemistry at the Academy. Mr. Chuba then spent eleven more years in the Coast Guard working on occupational health issues and training for Coast Guard personnel. Upon retiring in 2001, Mr. Chuba was hired to teach chemistry in Fairfax County at Oakton High School. In the summer of 2007, Mr. Chuba transferred to LCPS and was hired to teach both regular chemistry and AP chemistry at Dominion. In 2009 Mr. Chuba earned his masters in education from George Mason University. In the Fall of 2015, Mr. Chuba started a new phase of his career at Dominion as the school testing coordinator.
Mr. Chuba is married to Kathy (May 1978). In August 2008, his oldest daughter Holly was married. In June 2011 daughter Sarah was married followed by daughter Elizabeth in August 2011. Mr. Chuba is kept extra busy playing with his three grandchildren: Joey (8 yrs), Maelyn (17 mos), and Austin (11 mos).
Phone numbers: School (571) 434-4400
Home (703) 648-2579