Mock Trial Team
Description: Our Mock Trial Team will be coached by the honorable Judge Lorrie Ann Sinclair Taylor. She is a current Judge in Loudoun County General District Court. Our Mock Trial Team will be issued a real-life court case that occured in the past, and Judge Taylor will place us on Prosecution and Defense teams. She will coach us and prepare us to go up against other local high school Mock Trial Teams in a statewide competition. Each team will go to "court" and present their cases. A final ruling will be issued by current state attorneys and Judges. Your role in the club could be an attorney, witness, or a paralegal. If you are interested in a career associated with law or if you want to go to Law School, this club is perfect experience/training! The club also looks great on a college application or resume.
Meeting info: We will meet once a week for 45 minutes to an hour via
Requirements: Anyone who is interested in law or a career associated with law
Contact us if you're interested!
Schoology Code:
Sponsor: Sheryl Gusman--sheryl.gusman@|