(Applies to Transition Planning in the IEP for Ages 14+)
Career and Transition helps students plan for independence in post-high school life. There is a transition teacher and job coach at each high school, who work with the Special Education teachers in each of their high schools and middle schools on transition planning for all students with an IEP, ages 14 to 22. Transition teachers can provide instruction in Career and Transition classes, such as Career Pathways and Personal Finance. There are also two post-Applied Studies Diploma programs for students with an IEP, ages 18-22, who have a need for additional training and education before exiting LCPS and who are interested in and meet the criteria for participation in the programs.
One post Applied Studies Diploma program is the Community and Schools Together (CAST) program, which has seven locations throughout Loudoun County, in schools and at community business sites, with one transition teacher and one job coach at each location, working with students in schools and businesses to provide workplace readiness and independent living skills. The program utilizes curriculum aligned with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s 22 Workplace Readiness Skills framework and resources. CAST has approximately fifty students each year. Applications for the new school year are due by the Spring. Applications are accepted throughout the school year, should openings become available.
The other post Applied Studies Diploma program is Project SEARCH ®, which has ten seats each year and partners with a community business. Project SEARCH is offered through a partnership grant with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). The program is like CAST; however, in order to qualify to apply for Project Search candidates must have been determined eligible for competitive employment and be in “service status” with the DARS. There is a transition teacher and job coach in this program, as well as an additional job coach provided by DARS. Applications for this program are accepted each spring, typically by March 1st. Contact the transition teacher at your high school for more information for further information on either CAST or Project SEARCH.
The Career and Transition team in the schools and community is supported by a Special Education supervisor and two transition specialists. The support team provides IEP support, training, program management, community outreach and partnerships, and curriculum development. The Career and Transition team invites businesses who would like to partner with our programs to provide work experience, training or paid jobs for students. Please contact Bridget Gorey (Special Education supervisor), Jenna Arndt (Special Education supervisor), Sarah Conlin (transition specialist), or Suzanne Burch (transition specialist) if you are an interested business and someone will follow up with you.
Please see the following additional resources:
VCU Center on Transition Innovations
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center
Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)