The vision of Virtual Loudoun Online is to cultivate quality, flexible, self-paced virtual learning.
To be eligible for Virtual Loudoun Online course approval, students must be on track to satisfy the pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements listed in the LCPS Program of Studies.
NOTE: When considering enrollment for Virtual Loudoun Online (VLO), please know that access to LCPS platforms is blocked for students traveling outside the United States. However, it is possible for students traveling outside the United States to maintain access to LCPS resources provided families specify the travel start and end dates for the student in ParentVUE. Travel start and end dates must be entered for each child who will be traveling outside the country. It can take up to 24 hours for updates to take effect. Please consider this when scheduling travel plans with your student. (Please review the information under ParentVUE Data & Security for specific steps.) Additionally, we may be unable to accommodate technology concerns with your students' Chromebooks for those who have traveled outside of Loudoun County geography.