Counseling Department
Multi-Tiered System of Support
Grade Level Information
Technology of Robotic Design
Course Credit: 1.0
Course Code: 803000 / 898460
Grades: 8 - 11
This is an introductory course in the Manufacturing career cluster. Students engage in the study of computers and microprocessors and their applications to manufacturing, transportation, and communication systems. Topics include computer equipment and operating systems, robotics, programming, control systems, and social/cultural impact of these technologies. Problem-solving activities challenge students to design, program, and interface devices with computer systems. Learning activities include robotics, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and design, and control of electromechanical devices. This course counts as an elective credit.
Technology and Engineering Education 7 SEM
Course Credit: None
Course Codes: 801700
Grade: 7
Students study significant inventions that have advanced society and explore contemporary technological problems facing them, their community, or the world and apply systematic procedures to invent new products or innovations as solutions. Students discover the design process while being challenged and empowered to use and apply their learning to design solutions to real world problems through project-based learning.