Management and Coordination
The Division of Management and Coordination within the Department of Support Services provides project and program management support to the divisions of Construction Services, Facilities Services, Planning Services, and Transportation Services. The division oversees efforts that require coordination across the entire school system, including the Office of Facility Use Management, which guides the use of school and administrative facilities by both school-based and non-LCPS groups, as well as the Property Improvement Review Team, which reviews, approves, and manages modifications to grounds and facilities across more than 90 sites. The playground program is coordinated through this division. Also within the division are both the Distribution Center, which provides furniture, paper, and other equipment and supplies to all schools and management of LCPS surplus and the Public Surplus auction, as well as the Administration Building Operations Office, which includes a copy center, mailroom, and meeting space that serves all schools, facilities, and the School Board. The Division of Management and Coordination collaborates with other Support Services divisions on revisions and updates to School Board policies, the development of each fiscal year's proposed budget, as well as acts as a liaison between LCPS and both Loudoun County Parks, Recreation and Community Services and the Loudoun County Office of Elections.
Administrative Building Operations - (571)252-1130
Distribution Center - (571)252-2980
Facility Use - (571)252-1385

Brian Stocks, Director