The following is a list of the art projects we plan to do in each grade level this school year. Projects may change order depending on time constraints, but we aim to complete each during the 9 week marking period in which they are listed.
Quarter 1:
1. Art Introduction Free Choice (drawing) 2. Art Portfolio Decoration (crayon) 3. Fruit People (crayon/drawing) 4. Fruit People (watercolor resist)
1st Grade:
1. Art Journal Cover Design (drawin/photo collage) 2. Shape-People Self-Portrait 3. Family Portrait 4. My Tree Diagram
2nd Grade:
1. Art Journal CoverDesign 2. Overlapping Self-Portrait with aFriend 3. Intro to Landscapes (practice drawings) 4. Fall Seasonal Landscape
3rd Grade:
1. Art Journal CoverDesign 2. Pre-Instructional Self-Portrait 3. Facial Proportions Self-Portrait 4. Expressionist Practice Drawings
4th Grade:
1. Art Journal CoverDesign 2. "7.5 Head Rule" Self-Portrait 3. Gesture Drawings 4. Figurative Sculptures
5th Grade:
1. Art Journal CoverDesign 2. Contour LineArt 3. Analogous Color Theory Application 4. Observational Self-Portraits
Quarter 2:
1. Mixed-Media TurkeyCollage 2. Line & Color Patterns 3. Hot Air Balloons (tracing & scissor skills) 4. Hot Air Balloon Passengers (drawing & color)
1st Grade:
1. Intro to Watercolors 2. Collage Unit 1/3: Mondrian Art 3. Collage Unit 2/3: Mixed-Media Winter Candyland 4. Collage Unit 3/3: Matisse Art
2nd Grade:
1. Watercolors (color mixing & brush techniques) 2. 3-D Paper Playground Sculptures 3. Gingerbread House Symmetry 4. Jungle Practice Drawing
3rd Grade:
1. Wycinanki (symmetry in paper cut-outs) 2. Greek Temple Architecture Drawings 3. Radial Symmetry Snowflake Cards 4. Mosaic Design Plans
4th Grade:
1. Abstract Art & Intro to Color Theory 2. Model Magic Snowflakes 3. Narrative Art Design Plan 4. Colonial Architecture Drawings
5th Grade:
1. Pop Art Self-Portraits 2. Mixed-Media Snowman Sculptures 3. Fine Arts Night Poster Designs 4. Sunset Seascape (practice thumbnails)
Quarter 3:
1. Gyotaku (Japanese fish prints) 2. Underwater Ocean Drawing (crayon) 3. Leprechaun Art (pencil & crayon) 4. March Art (lion & lamb)
1st Grade:
1. Picture Books (story sequencing) 2. Printing Plate Design Drawing 3. Intro To Warm & Cool Colors 4. Clay Flower Pinch Pots
2nd Grade:
1. Rousseau Rain Forests 2. Advanced Color Mixing & Intro to Shading 3. Egypt Art Drawings 4. Native American Motif Pinch Pots
3rd Grade:
1. Roman Mosaic Collage 2. Observational Flower Study (practice drawings) 3. O'Keeffe Flower Paintings 4. Relief Printing
4th Grade:
1. Narrative Art Quilt Patch 2. Intro to 1-pt. Linear Perspective 3. Surreal Transformations 4. Copper Repousse
5th Grade:
1. Sunset Seascape Painting 2. Advanced 1-pt. Linear Perspective 3. Watercolor Value Scale 4. Monochromatic Landscape Painting
Quarter 4:
1. Geometric Shape Drawing 2. Earth Day Bookmarks (recycle/upcycling) 3. Mixed-Media Butterflies 4. Color Mixing (Model Magic Sculptures)
1st Grade:
1. Ceramics (glaze application) 2. PaperWeaving 3. Relief Printing 4. My Neighborhood (vertical landscape)
2nd Grade:
1. 3-D Paint Applications 2. Collagraph Printing Plates 3. Texture Rubbings 4. Relief Printing
3rd Grade:
1. Intro to Grayscale (shading & techniques) 2. Weaving (cardboard looms & yarn) 3. Ceramics (form v. function) 4. Ceramics (glaze application)
4th Grade:
1. Weaving Cups 2. Abstract Landscape (value & complementary colors) 3. Abstract Landscape (scale & brush technique) 4. Clay Coil Pots
5th Grade:
1. Symbolic Self-Portrait 2. Reduction Relief Printing (states 1 & 2) 3. Reduction Relief Printing (final state) 4. Non-representational Abstract Sculpture
When Does Your Child Come to Art?
Art can get messy sometimes, and even though we have smocks in the art room, you may not want your children wearing brand new clothes on the days they have art. All students K-5 come to art once a week, so I have included this year's art schedule to help you know which day of the week your child's class will have art.
To find out when your child has art, just find their teacher's name and art time on the chart in the following link:
(Link will be posted when the 2023-2024 schedule is finalized)
If you have questions, concerns, or would like to volunteer some of your time, please feel free to contact me Email David Campione