SEARCH (Seeking Educational Alternatives to Reach and Challenge Higher)
The Loudoun County SEARCH program:
focuses on thinking skills
fosters a classroom environment that encourages students' excitement for learning and discovery.
SEARCH teachers work within the classroom to:
stimulate curiosity
practice problem solving strategies
incorporate cooperative learning activities
provide opportunities for students to use higher level thinking skills
to identify students with exceptional ability
During the lessons, the primary classroom teacher makes observations to gain insight into the students' various skills, strengths, and learning styles.
Both teachers work cooperatively to recognize and develop the potential for excellence in each student. The SEARCH teacher is available to assist in the development of lesson plans and activities that promote higher level thinking , model or provide tips for differentiating instruction, and to offer enrichment to students who have been formally identified for gifted services.
The Loudoun County SEARCH lessons are organized under the learning keys listed below and are aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Thinking Keys:
Perceiving, Reasoning, Connecting, Creating, Evaluating
The Gifted Department does realize that some students may need enrichment opportunities to meet their educational needs. Parents may access parent resources and enrichment resources on the NAGC website to find challenging activities.