The mission of the school counseling program at Banneker Elementary School is to work closely with students, families, staff, and the community to provide for a quality education within the realm of academic, career, and social/emotional development. The school counseling program at Banneker Elementary School will strive to promote continued intellectual growth, individual initiative, mutual respect, and personal responsibility for productive lifelong citizenship in all students.
The students at Banneker Elementary School belong to a school system and a school community with high educational expectations. The school counseling program strives to support all students in recognizing their full potential as intellectual life-long learners, problem-solving and contributing community citizens, and caring and kind individuals. Additionally, the program works to develop students with high career aspirations and goals for the future.
The school counseling program at Banneker is based upon the following beliefs:
All students in grades K-5 will receive equitable classroom lessons throughout the school year that are aligned with the American School Counselor Association’s Mindsets and Behaviors and the Virginia Standards for School Counseling Programs.
Individual and group counseling services will be available to all students who can benefit from these services
Every student in grades K-5 will have access to the school counseling program. The school counselor will embrace the diversity in the school, while providing fair, ethical, and equitable services to all students.
Mindset and behavior competencies will be taught in a developmentally appropriate manner, to provide skills and strategies to students for present and future success.
Collection and analysis of school-wide data, needs assessments, student climate surveys, and the school improvement plan will provide the school counselor with information necessary in program planning and effective interventions to promote student success.
The school counselor will collaborate with Banneker community stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, parents, and community members to support student achievement.